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pro: unlike members of the pygocentrus family, members of this family do well and feel comfortable in bright light which make a piranha of this family a good choice for a planted tank.

con: these piranhas are a solitary fish and are ment to stay that way. some do well together such as serrasalmus geryi, and in some cases serrasalmus spilopleura.

serrasalmus compressus


  1. a solitary fish
  2. some only need 30 gallons for most of its life like my compressus, but others will eventually need a 125 gallon tank like the s. rhombeus.
  3. a ph of 6.6-7.8, preferably 6.8
  4. a temperature of 75-84 degrees, most preferably 82 degrees


this piranha can be a little tricky to get to eat, but in some time it will be eating right in front of you .  good foods include the following:

  • any white fish filet
  • shrimp
  • squid
  • ocassionally steak
  • ocassionally feeder goldfish
  • chicken
  • smelt
  • pork
  • krill

for baby piranhas(.5-2.5"):

  • frozen blood worms
  • frozen brine shrimp
  • frozen beefheart
  • some flake and pellet foods.

piranha forum(best ever site)


  • piranhas of the serrasalmus family grow pretty slow compared to pygocentrus piranhas
  • serrasalmus piranhas are easy to distinguish from a pygocentrus piranha, serras heads are concave and they have a hump on their back.
  • some can get over 16" like the rhombeus


ok forum




any questions on piranhas of the serrasalmus family, email me at